Vestigios da Humanidade

Este blog é um convite a reflexão sobre a humanidade, seus vestigios, numa arquelogia viva que busca encontrar o que resta ainda da raça humana, cada vez mais robotizada, dotada de uma razão instrumental e redundante, não essencial, restrita ao mero papel de espectadora do espetaculo que protagoniza.

segunda-feira, dezembro 01, 2008


everything now makes sense.

She has all that she wants!

They gave her the most as she would have asked for...

and what for?

Once there was a girl, asking for,

Now there is a woman asked to...

womanized by womanizers

(but let´s think about financial crisis and terrorists riots,

and forget about our children driven by womanizers as they grew up and became adults,

as new womanizers and his womanizeds)

It makes me wonder what are doing here in this planet,

What for so many PhDs and specialists for nothing else than a magnificent Curriculum

a portrait of our mediocrity in face of a real - and urgent - life demands

We are proud of multi-market-world-connected-system, but completely absent of any responsability about kids that are educated to become like us, slept-awaken,driven by images not connected to our selves but automated to serve other purposes, that we call as "freedom of expression".

Looking Britney as once-a-disney-TV-show-girl, I wonder how many kids get lost on this road to success, apart from their very promising beginings...

We should be claimed as responsible for all this disconnection, since from the day one when we assume ourselves as adults.

Or not, just say that we are not adults, but grown up kids, waiting for their parents to return.

Where are the parents of Britney, when she needs them at most?

(buying or selling something on the marketplace, filling resumes to bet for better jobs, or just watching TV and celebrating the hit parade of a new celebrity once known as their little girl, now put on sale)

We are just for sale, but who can buy us?